Making an impact is what a identity card is all concerning. It aims to convey lots on one little piece of card stock - your business attribute, your expertness, the character of your business, bushed a awfully few words and pictures. planning a identity card that actually catches the attention is crucial.
There square measure many printing techniques that actually maximise however visually effective your card are going to be and one in all these is foil stamping.
Printing with foil could be a method of accentuating bound elements of your style, so it catches the sunshine and stands out. It is a classic gold or silver, or a cool bright color to enhance your business stigmatisation.
If you're planning a identity card which will use foil stamping it helps to grasp the method, so you'll use it effectively.
First of all a metal die is move the desired style. If 2 or a lot of totally different colors square measure to be used a separate die for every color is made. The dies square measure then heated and sealed with enough pressure onto the skinny layer of foil to seal it onto the cardboard or paper. The ensuing impact leaves a rather raised impression on the cardboard harking back to engraving or printing.
These days there square measure a large vary of foils to settle on from: the straightforward and effective silver and gold foils are joined by a rainbow of silver colors. There square measure even dotted foils or the terribly effective and delicate clear foil that simply adds a effulgence to the raised impression.
There are also a wide range of finishes to choose from: the metallic finish is the obvious one, but you can also go for a more subtle matte finish, or glossy, pearlescent or even a marble effect.
One of the advantages of foil stamping is that it can be equally effective on dark backgrounds as on light. As the foil is opaque and is applied on top of the card its colour is not affected at all by the base colour of the card, unlike when printing with inks.
One thing to remember when designing your business card to include foil stamping: because the process uses heat it is not suitable to use over text or designs that have already been printed in a thermographic process, as the heat can melt the resins used in this process.
Overall foil stamping is a very effective addition to a business card design and can give you an edge over your competition when it comes to making an impression.