There area unit 2 things that Britain business house owners will currently do. You'll keep on as before and hope that it gets easier to rally new business or, you'll learn from the robust economic climate and do your best to make sure that your business isn't established in this means once more.
The thanks to try this is by recession proofing your business. If you had have had additional customers five years past, you'd have had more cash within the bank to induce through the troublesome economic amount.
In order to make sure you've got cash within the bank, you wish to appear at however you presently get new purchasers. Imagine you were associate angler (perhaps you are) and you were at the fishing lake with one rod with one kind of bait. The angle on the peg next to you had five rods and five totally different|completely different} baits and had every of the rods solid in numerous locations at different depths. that one among you'd be the foremost doubtless to catch the fish?
You can implement this same strategy on your business. How many different rods and different baits are you using to generate new clients currently? Do you implement each of the following?
Email marketing
Word of mouth
Direct mail
SEO (search engine optimisation)
PPC (pay per click)
Display advertising (Facebook, Linked In, Remarketing)
Website visitor tracking
Social media (including blogging)
Field sales reps
If you are doing all of these things then you are definitely doing the right thing. You just need to look at continuous improvement of each of these strategies in order to lower you cost of customer acquisition and increase your conversion rates. A 1 or 2% improvement on each of your activities will yield a significant increase on your return on investment.
If you're not doing each of the above then, there is room for improvement in your current customer acquisition strategy. Don't be overwhelmed by the task, take each element and implement them one at the time. The trick is to build up the activity level on your business generation until you've got a joined-up strategy where each activity is feeding into the other. i.e. your PR feeds content for your social media and email marketing. Once you've got a process where all of the activities are being implemented at least once a month, every month, the results are exponential. You will propel your business to financial stability and comfort quickly so that the threat of another recession leaves you with fewer sleepless nights.
Your other option is to call in the experts to get advice or assistance in implementing your customer acquisition strategy. Chose a company such as a full-service marketing and lead generation agency who is already doing all of those strategies on their own business and you can be confident that they will be up to the task for your business too.